About Healthy Living

Healthy Living is about helping people make their lives helathier. People always talk about how they want to make their life healthier and how they want to lose weight. But they usually only think about the excerise and eating. But there is more to it. People just skim the surface of losing weight and making their life healthier. This website is to help people learn more about healthy living.

As the creator of this website I wanted to help as many people as I can. Most of my family is trying to lose weight. They were my inspiration for this website. They always talk about how there isn't a website that isn't about all the ways to make your life healthier. So I came up with this website. When you think about it, people always talk about how they want to have a healthier life. But they usually don't know how to start it. Healthy Living helps guide people that want to live a healthier life.

People think that either losing weight or living a healthy life is easy. The only easy part is starting it. People generally start a diet or start to work out then quit a few weeks after. Continuing a diet is the hardest thing. You need motivation, determination, and a drive to continue what you started. When people lose weight or changed their life to be healthier, they think that they don't need to continue it anymore. Then they slowly go back to their old ways and they end up back where they started. But with these guidelines and tips their health will improve.

me This is a picture of me.