What is Sleep?

Sleep is a natural repeating state of mind by altered consciousness. People can switch from non-REM and REM sleep. REM stands for "rapid eye movement." While someone sleeps our body builds up the immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems. If you want to know more about sleep. Click here.

baby sleeping

Is there a difference between good and bad sleep? Yes, there is. When someone generally thinks about a healthy life. They don't think that sleep is important to live a healthy life. But it actually is. Continue to read to learn more about good and bad sleep.

Healthy Sleep

There is many ways to have a healthy sleep schedule. Sleeping varies for different people. Children and adults needs different things for their body. The list below is for anyone who wants to know if their sleeping health.

Bad Sleeping

People think 'Oversleeping is ok.' But people don't realize that oversleeping is bad for your health. Oversleeping has been linked to a group of medical problems. The list below shows some symptoms of bad sleep.

Recommended Hours of Sleep

Age Hours of Sleep
0-3 months 14-17
4-11 months 12-15
1-2 years 11-14
3-5 years 10-13
6-13 years 9-11
14-17 years 8-10
18-25 years 7-9
26-64 years 7-9
>65 years 7-8